Friday, July 18, 2008

Lars and the Real Girl

Okay, so the premise is crazy, man falls in love with a life-size doll and believes she's real, but I couldn't help but want to see it after hearing some things about it. Thoughts:

Does Bianca look a little like Angelina Jolie?
He's settling her into the pink room right now...and she's laying down. Oh my.
Karen's checking it out under Bianca's skirt, wait for it, yep, she's anatomically correct. (Not that it shows it.)

Okay, I'm not going to put all my thoughts as I watch, because that would give things away. Here's my favorite quote that's unrelated to the plot.

"Everybody knows your first wife was a klepto."
"No she wasn't!"
"Really? Then why is she buried in a pair of my earrings?"

Ryan Gosling does such a good job of looking so proud of her. It really is kinda sad.

There are so many more things I want to say, but I don't want spoil it since I do recommend it. It's a pretty good movie, and it's a great departure from the norm. See it, let me know, and we can discuss.

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